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·Shenzhen city construction  ·Chinese historical and cultural city: the ancient city of Xiangyang, Hubei Province  ·Beating between light and shadow of the wizard: Chinese Shadow Art  ·Wenzhou Nanji Island, Zhejiang Province  ·Jingzhou Ancient City: preserved ancient city wall in southern China  ·Hongdengji: Chinese revolution of modern Peking Opera  ·Morning of the World: Bali, one of Asia's gems  ·Luxor: town of the palaces  ·Classic Posters of China  ·Country of Hills: Mysterious Nepal  ·Wudangzhao Lamasery  ·The Ruins of Jiaohe Ancient City  ·Egyptian Girl  ·Yuanmou Soil Forest  ·Hulun Buir Grassland, InnerMongolia  
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